How To Study The Bible (#4)
"What Does God Intend?"
In our previous lessons in this series we have learned
three valuable principles: (1) we must read the scriptures
with the goal in mind of gaining knowledge about them;
(2) we will only learn what the scriptures teach when
we have a strong desire to do so; and (3) in order
to study the Bible fairly and completely, we must study
everything that it says about a subject. We must get
the whole truth.
In this, our fourth lesson, we add one more principle:
In order to study the scriptures effectively, we must
search them looking for the meaning that God intended.
That principles seems so obvious, but I assure you
that it is sometimes lost in the midst of the actual
Far too frequently we read the Bible to find out "what
it means to me." We might be looking for a solution
to some matter that we have personal interest in and,
as a result, our inquiry takes on a very personal nature.
While it is not wrong to have personal involvement
in seeking scriptural meaning, it is wrong to assume
that because we personally come to some conclusion
that such a conclusion must be right.
Studying the Bible to find out "what it means to
me," though probably the most frequently used
approach, is not the only perspective that we should
have when we study. Consider the following guidelines
that have been used to determine the intent of scriptures:
(1) What does the Bible mean to me?
(2) What did the Bible mean to the original hearers/readers?
(3) What did the Bible mean to the original speakers/writers?
And finally, (4) what did God mean (i.e., intend) when
he wrote the Bible?
Each of these four perspectives is important, but only
the fourth viewpoint should serve as our ultimate guideline.
It is possible to answer the other three to our satisfaction
and still not have an understanding of what God intended
by some passage. Let me explain.
We have already observed that a purely personal perspective
in studying the Bible can be dangerous. Listen to what
the word of God says about it: "You shall not
at all do as we are doing here today; every man doing
whatever is right in his own eyes;" (Deuteronomy
12:8). The book of Judges tells us: "everyone
did what was right in his own eyes." (Judges 17:6;
cf. 21:25) Proverbs concurs with the following: "The
way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who
heeds counsel is wise." (Proverbs 12:15; 21:2;
cf. 2 Corinthians 10:12)
These passages, and others too, warn about the dangers
(and folly) of those who "measuring themselves
by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves,
are not wise." (2 Cor 10:12) An over emphasis
on the "what does the Bible mean to me" type
of approach to Biblical interpretation tends to lend
itself subjectivism and existentialism.
The second question, seeking the understanding of the
original audience (hearers or readers), sounds like
a proper perspective to keep in mind. But it overlooks
the possibility that the original audience misunderstood
what they heard or read. The Ethiopian eunuch read
God's word, but he didn't understand it, at least not
initially (Acts 8:26ff). Jesus often asked "have
you not read" to his hearers because the truth
was in the scriptures which the Jews had read, but
for some reason some of them had not yet grasped the
intent of the scriptures (cf. Matthew 12:3; 19:4; 21:16,
42; 22:31; Mark 2:25; 12:10, 26; Luke 6:3; 10:26).
Note, for example, Paul's message to the church at Thessalonica.
In his first epistle to the church there, Paul gave
them instructions concerning the coming of the Lord
(1 Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:11). Evidently some in the
church in Thessalonica assumed that those who died
in Christ prior to His return (those who had "fallen
asleep," 1 Th 4:13) would not witness the resurrection
and had "no hope." Paul's message was one
of comfort and assurance. Those who died in Christ
would actually "rise first" (1 Th 4:16),
then those who are alive at His coming would be "caught
up together with them" (vs 17).
But even after writing to the church the first time,
there seemed to be a misunderstanding concerning the
Lord's return. In his second letter to the church Paul
continued to address matters relative to Christ's return
(2 Thess 1:7ff; 2:1ff). Though he already instructed
them in 1 Thessalonians 5:2 that "the day of the
Lord so comes as a thief in the night," he needed
to remind them about the matter again in 2 Thessalonians
2:1ff. It seems that some in the church did not understand
the message the first time.
Understanding the scriptures, therefore, from the viewpoint
of the original audience is only beneficial if we can
know that the original audience understood what God
wanted them to know. To know that we first would have
to know what God intended.
The third question, seeking to know what the original
authors knew, also sounds like a proper position to
assume in our study. If we had their understanding,
then certainly we would know what the Bible means.
A problem arises, however, when we learn that the authors
did not always have a complete understanding of the
things they were saying. That sounds ridiculous, but
it is true. Peter tells us that the old testament prophets
did not have an understanding of the things they were
speaking about concerning salvation:
"Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and
searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace {that
would come} to you, searching what, or what manner
of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating
when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ
and the glories that would follow. To them it was revealed
that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering
the things which now have been reported to you through
those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy
Spirit sent from heaven; things which angels desire
to look into." (1 Peter 1:10-12)
Peter, though the primary spokesman on the day of Pentecost,
obviously did not fully know the intent of what he
said in Acts 2:39 about the universal nature of God's
offer of salvation. In Acts 10 and 11 God had to reveal
to him that the Gentiles were included in God's plan
to save man. That salient point had to be taught over
and over in the early church, yet it was plain in the
mind and plan of God.
Only the last perspective, searching for what God intends,
should serve as an absolute guideline for our efforts
in studying the Bible. We have seen that we can misunderstand
the scripture if we look only for what it means to
us. We have also seen that we can misunderstand the
scripture if we look only at the understanding of the
original audience, or even if we look only at the understanding
of the original authors. But we can not misunderstand
the scriptures if we find out what God really intends.
As you study, keep in mind that though all of the other
questions can benefit us, they can also mislead us.
As you study, look for what God intended. God says
that it can be done.
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth will
make you free." (John 8:32)
Jody L. Apple -
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