Study The Bible
There is a great deal of difference in just reading
the Bible and studying it. Webster defines the word
study as follows:
"A busying one's self about a thing, zeal application
of learning; the act or process of applying the mind
in order to acquire knowledge, as reading and investigation
of any subject: careful attention to and critical examination
and investigation of any subject; to fix the mind closely
upon a subject, to meditate to ponder."
Notice some of the words: Zeal, learning, the mind,
acquire, careful attention, fix the mind closely, meditate
and ponder. All of these words and phrases are suggestive
of careful thought and attention with the purpose of
retaining in the mind and applying in the life the
truth that is learned. In view of this, how much study
of the Bible do you engage in? How does this definition
fit your study of the Bible?
We are commanded to study the Bible. "Study to
show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"
(II Timothy 2:15). The word translated study is defined
as: "to use speed, to hasten, to be eager, diligent."
It is translated "forward" in Galatians 2:10;
"endeavoring" in Ephesians 4:3; "labor"
in Hebrews 4:11; and "diligent" in II Peter
3:14. It is interesting to look at some of the different
translations of the passage.
The ASV has "give diligence." "Do your
utmost to at least let God see you are a sound workman,
with no need to be ashamed of the way you handle the
word of truth" (Moffatt). The RSV renders it "do
your best."
Is there any book that you are more eager and diligent
in studying than the Bible? Are you at your best in
studying it? When the Bible comes up for discussion
do you have to apologize for your lack of knowledge?
Study is work. Study of the Bible demands desire to
know and understand. It requires concentration and
patience but its rewards are far beyond what ever the
cost may be.
Feel A Deep Need For Truth
Little profit comes from the study of the Bible unless
there is recognition of the need of knowing the truth.
If one is a sinner he should realize the depth of sinfulness
and separation from God and the fact that he must learn
the truth in the Bible to be saved. If one was lost
in a desert and found a map how would one study the
map? Would it be with a passing notice? Would it be
consulted occasionally? Would one feel that it made
little difference whether the map was followed? How
many treat the Bible the way they would treat a map
if lost and trying to find their way out of a wilderness?
We are travelers from time to eternity and we cannot
guide our steps. "O Lord, I know that the way
of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh
to direct his steps" (Jeremiah 10:23). The Bible
is the most important book one will ever study.
Study To Practice What You Learn
Many seem to have the idea that the study of the Bible
is simply a mental exercise. They read with no thought
of trying to put into practice the things learned.
Jesus said, "If any man will do his will, he shall
know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether
I speak of myself" (John 7:17). An infidel may
learn some things the Bible teaches but he will never
learn the truth that saves unless he seeks to do what
it teaches. A girl may memorize a cook book but she
will never become a cook until she puts something into
the oven. I read that a child learns 10% of what he
hears, 80% of what he sees and 90% of what he does.
Is your knowledge of the Bible growing? How much more
do you know today than yesterday, last week, last year?
You may know as much as you are willing to eagerly
and diligently search out to do.
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