Modern Humanism

Biblical Christianity

Religious Foundations

Humanism claims to be "a philosophical, religious, and moral point of view." It is a religion based on naturalism, rationalism, and scientism. Humanist believe they should formulate a religion relevant to this age.

Christianity is a philosophical and historical religion based on supernatural revelation and the person and work of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that God alone authorizes what man should believe and do.


Non-existent and non-relevant.

A mythological character -
the product of man’s imagination.

Humanism is therefore atheistic

Existent and relevant: - First Cause of all effects.

> Functionally, as creator, provider, lawgiver, judge, redeemer, lord, etc.

> Characteristically, as faithful, omnipotent sovereign, omniscient, omnibenevolent, personal, holy, true, etc.


Humanists believe the universe is self-existing, and therefore eternal. All living things are said to evolve by chance in an upward progression.

Christians believe the universe was created by God and is temporal. All creatures were designed, remain constant, and reproduce after their own kind.


Humanists believe that man is only physical and temporal, is basically good, and the highest form of evolutionary development; that man is self sufficient, able to govern himself and save himself from his problems; that man has supreme authority, and is accountable only to himself; that man has no eternal destiny; and that it is unrealistic (insane) to believe in the existence of God.

Christians believe that man is both physical and spiritual, is a free moral agent, and was created by God in His own image; that man is the best of God’s creation, is a sinner, needs salvation from sin and guidance from God; that man has limited authority, is accountable to God, has an eternal destiny; and that it is not only realistic (sane) to believe in God, but foolish not to believe in God.


Since reality is perceived to be only natural and only physical, and thought ascertainable only by human reasoning and scientific methodology, then religion must be designed by man using human reasoning and scientific methodology.

Since reality is perceived to be both physical and spiritual, and both natural and supernatural, then religion is established and presented by God, and reality must be ascertained by man using both natural and divine revelation.

Humanism requires free inquiry (i. e., being unhampered by divine revelation). It desires maximum individual autonomy.

Christianity requires knowledge of the word of God and human submission to divine revelation. It produces reverence toward God.


Since humanists deny that man has a soul, they also deny any eternal destiny of individuals.

Christians believe every soul has an eternal destiny. Obedient believers go to heaven, whereas unrepentant sinners to hell.

Religion of humanism desires complete realization of human personality. It seeks the good life in the here and now.

Christianity seeks salvation from sin, holiness in this present world, and eternal life with God, rather than eternal punishment with Satan.

Since man is presumed not to be a sinner, the only salvation which humanists think man needs is from his temporal problems, which man is thought able to solve sufficiently.

Since man is believed to be a sinner, he needs salvation from sin. By obedient faith in Jesus Christ, the sinner receives God’s grace of salvation.

Humanists believe traditional religions do a disservice to humanity. They consider belief in immortal salvation both illusory and harmful.

Christians believe humanism unrealistically rejects the supernatural, and leaves humanity unprepared for eternal judgment.


Humanist religion deifies man
and rejects God.

Christian religion exalts God
and humbles man.

(© Chart by Robert L. Waggoner, Revised 04/19/96)