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Philosophical Faces of Humanism

The dominant worldview in our society, and therefore the greatest philosophical threat to Christianity, is that of modern humanism. Philosophically, humanism is an umbrella term that covers many other philosophies, such as secularism, naturalism, materialism, feminism, multiculturalism, etc. All these and other humanistic philosophies now operate on common anti-Christian assumptions, such as, that God is not relevant; that man is the product of a self-existing evolutionary world; that morals and values are autonomous, relative, and situational; and that humanity is the judge of all things.

The Religious Face of Humanism - As the saying goes, if a bird looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and swims like a duck, then it must be a duck. Likewise, if modern humanism claims to be a religion, has characteristics of a religion, acts like a religion, and also has been declared, legally, to be a religion, then it must be a religion, notwithstanding denials now coming from some humanists who previously said that humanism is a religion. There is too much evidence to refute such claims. pdf file (121K)

The Secular Face of Humanism - Philosophically, secularism has much in common with humanism. Both reject the existence, relevancy and sovereignty of God. Both reject all concepts regarding the existence of other world-beings such as demons or angels because these creatures are not of this world and their existence cannot be scientifically verified. Both secularism and humanism reject the notion that human beings have souls or spirits, that they must some day give an account of their earthly conduct to a supernatural being, and that after this life is over, all people will spend eternity in either heaven or hell. pdf file (129K)

The Statist Face of Humanism - Statism is the belief that the state (i.e. civil government in whatever form) is the highest and final standard of authority for all human conduct, whether individual or collective. Like materialism, statism is an extension of naturalism. Two basic concepts within naturalism determine the nature of the humanistic state. One relates to law, the other relates to the nature of man. Regarding law, naturalism contends that all things happen or evolve by chance or accident. This means that there is no absolute law, nor is there a divine Lawgiver. All laws are relative, their merits being determined by contemporary rulers. Regarding the nature of man, naturalism contends that man is basically good, and that by knowledge man can direct himself and his society toward self-sufficiency. pdf file (112K)

The Feministic Face of Humanism - Most Christians know that feminism is an influential modern point of view. However, if they were asked, most Christians would probably not be able to discuss intelligently the beliefs and ideals of feminism. If Christians effectively engage this modern philosophical enemy of Christianity, then Christians would do well to understand its history, philosophy, its contradiction to biblical perspectives, and its opposition to social science findings. Christians should also comprehend the objectives of feminism, the implications the acceptance of feminism would have to society, how feminists fight their battles in the political arena, and also how Christians must respond to the threats posed by feminism in modern times. pdf file (119K)

The Hedonistic Face of Humanism - America has become the world’s foremost champion of hedonism. This is the mindset in which the acquisition of pleasure and enjoyment is the highest priority in life. Responsibilities such as worship to a holy God, fulfillment of obligations, and personal improvement are deemed of secondary importance. Having fun is all that counts. No nation in all of world history has ever been as hedonistic as the United States now is. Americans now spend more money on pleasurable pursuits of all types than on religion and education combined. pdf file (128K)

The Material Face of Humanism - Strictly speaking, materialism is the belief that matter is all that exists. In this absolute sense, materialism makes no distinction between matter and mind. It holds that the mental faculty in man is but an extension of the physical. In this sense, materialism is a part of naturalism. However, the term ‘materialism’ is generally used in a much looser, and more practical sense. In a practical sense, a materialist is one who acts like matter is all there is. Most people will deny, if asked, that matter is all there is. However, many people act in ways inconsistent with what they say they believe. pdf file ( 123K)

The Naturalist Face of Humanism - Naturalism is the belief that nature is all that exists. This belief has religious connotations. Naturalism requires that nature be the means by which the origin and processes of all things are explained. It means that naturalism is the key to all knowledge. It means that nature is the lord of man. pdf file (118K)

The Many Philosophical Faces of Humanism - Definitions and Descriptions (Table) pdf file (77K)