
The comments given below were made by individuals shortly after attending a seminar discussing theism and humanism.

·        “When I was in college I had no idea that the United States would change so much by this time in my life. Humanism is the main root of the problem. I consider that you are one of the best read students of humanism. You handled the material well. It is a hard subject to discuss because so many people have no idea what it is. . . . You manifested a wonderful spirit in giving these lessons.” Willard Collins

·        “I am impressed . . . not only with brother Waggoner’s preparation, but with the fine manner of presentations that’s characterized these lessons. . . . We’re looking at a man who has been driven to a commitment on the basis of his own experience with his own loved ones, and he speaks out of that consciousness.” Charles Chumley

·        “The church here has just enjoyed one of the most informative sessions I have ever experienced. Brother Robert Waggoner . . . has specialized . . . in the field of secular humanism. Brother Waggoner is probably the best informed and best qualified man in the brotherhood on this subject.” Bill Hearn

·        “Your scholarship, dedication, and zeal in this area are much appreciated. . . . Not only did your lectures here enlighten us concerning the threat of humanism and motivate us to fight against it, but they also, I believe, sparked a revived interest in the work of the Lord in general.” Marion Ferrell

·        “Your lessons were certainly informative and thought provoking, and both your personal and your pulpit attitudes are so commendable.” Bill Burchett

·        “Bob talks of the outside influences such as materialism and humanism that are ill affecting our homes. Robert has done a great amount of research on the subject. . . . Robert gives Christians a great deal of help and a way to fight the evil traditions of our day.” Shelby Forkum

·        “These are very informative sessions. Brother Waggoner has done his homework and does not waste anyone’s time. The congregation has been made aware of a growing problem that must be faced rather than ignored. We feel indebted to Brother Waggoner for his hours of research, his organization of important materials, and his spirit of great concern. Any and every congregation would benefit from this study of a very relevant theme.” Buck Hall

The elders of the Houston Park Church of Christ in Selma, Alabama, where Robert Waggoner once served as a local preacher, wrote “ . . . we have learned to love and respect his ability as a faithful gospel preacher. Brother Waggoner has made an in depth study of humanism and the influence it is having on our Christian homes. . . . He has begun a . . . mission, the object of which is to make the brotherhood aware of what humanism is, how it has already permeated our schools and government, and how it insidiously replaces Christianity.”

Bert Thompson wrote, “His presentations focus especially on the damaging effects which humanism is having on families, the church, and the nation. His lessons are practical, well-researched, and stirring. . . . We highly recommend this program . . . and encourage churches everywhere to begin scheduling these workshops. We have heard several reports from congregations that have used them, and these reports have been nothing but good.”


If you’d like to talk with someone who has heard my seminars, you may contact one or more of the persons listed below. Ask them whatever you desire about me or the seminar.


·        Clifford Payne, Preacher, Belle Glade, FL – home: (561) 996-3867;  office: (561) 996-3830

·        Leonard (Bobby) Wood, Preacher, Conyers, GA – home: (404) 929-1438 ;  office: (404) 922-8341

·        Hugh Wyatt, Elder, Fairhope, AL – home: (334) 947-2113