Robert L. Waggoner
I sometimes read articles in
brotherhood papers saying that the church is not growing today as it was in the
1950s because Christians now lack the dedication that Christians then had. While
there is truth in that idea, it seems too simplistic! Such declarations
generally fail to note that society is different now than then. Why is that?
How does that difference affect Christians’ lack of dedication today?
answer is that humanism and its allied philosophies have changed our world.
They have displaced the Christian precepts that our Constitutional forefathers
structured into our society, and replaced them with the principles of humanism.
These philosophies have destroyed absolutes in law and morality. They have
given us situational ethics and relativity. They have removed Christianity from
the school classroom and the market place and they have secularized all of our
culture. They have overturned many of the checks and balances of our republican
form of government and they have produced judicial supremacy over the
legislative branches of government. They have promoted extensive governmental
agencies and built vast governmental bureaucracies. They have threatened our
culture by minimizing gender roles in society. They have overturned
anti-abortion laws and now produce about a million and a half abortions every
year. They are leading toward legalized infanticide and will ultimately promote
obligatory euthanasia on everyone who is considered a burden to society.
ideologies have made America the most violent crime ridden nation on earth.
They have produced massive marriage failures and contributed immensely to the
breakdown of the home and family. They have cursed our country with extensive
pornography and vile profanity. They have not yet destroyed Christianity in
America, hut they have already won over to themselves almost all agencies of
government, schools, and other institutions of society. Mainline denominational
churches have, for the most part, already capitulated to these anti-Christian
philosophies. Many Christians have had their faith weakened, and many Christian
families have lost one or more of their members to these erroneous
philosophies. Christian families are hurting.
fully persuaded that converting people to Christ is not as easy today as it was
in the late 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. I’m convinced that the rise of humanism is
a primary cause. And I’ve said so on several occasions while conducting church
workshops about humanism. One day, in response to such comments, a Christian
brother called my attention to Robert Hooper’s book about brother Willard
Collins. Brother Collins noticed in 1973 that the secularization of our society
was having an impact upon the church. This was obvious to him because of the
annual decline in the number of baptisms and restorations resulting from his
gospel meetings. (Robert Hooper and Jim Turner. Willard Collins: The People
Person. Nashville: 20th Century Christian. 1986, 66-68).
from both conservative and liberal perspectives are also agreed about the
significance of humanism in the western world. R. J. Rushdoony, a Calvinist
scholar, writes that
“in most countries today, and no
less in the United States, humanism is the established religion of the state
and is progressively the source of legal revisionism. Humanism is also the
established religion of schools and most churches, and most of society.
Christianity is quite logically progressively excluded from state, school and
church and has a weak and scarcely tenable position in modern life. It probably
lacks extensive and organized persecution in most countries because orthodox
Christianity has become progressively weaker and less and less relevant.”
(Rousas John Rushdoony. Christianity and the State. Vallecito, CA: Ross
House Books, 1986, 8).
James Reichley, of the Brookings Institute, has written that
“Despite many ups
and downs, the influence of secular civil humanism in the West since the
Enlightenment has generally followed an ascending course. Even in the United
States, where religion remains a powerful social force, civil humanism is now
probably the dominant value system within the intellectual community. It
thereby exerts strong influence over the entertainment and news industries and
over the higher levels of the educational system and the government
bureaucracy. Leo Pfeffer, a distinguished authority on church-state relations,
has written, ‘Secular humanism [is] a cultural force which in many respects is
stronger in the United States than any of the major religious groups or any
alliance among them.”’ (A. James Reichley, Religion in American Public Life.
Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institute, 1985, 47, with quotation from Leo
Pfeffer, “The Triumph of Secular Humanism”, Journal of Church and State,
Spring, 1977, 211.)
our culture generally no longer looks to God, the Bible, and Christianity, and
since the faith of many Christians has also been weakened by humanistic
influences, it is no great marvel that the church is not growing very rapidly
in these times. What really concerns me, however, is that many Christians seem
to be totally unaware of humanism and how it has already changed our society.
I’m fully convinced that before we Christians see much church growth, we will
first have to do battle against humanism. And if Christians are to effectively
fight against humanism, then we must know what humanism is, how and where it
operates, and what we can do to overcome its devastating influence in our
why I’ve dedicated myself to conducting church seminars about humanism.
Brethren need to know how humanism is threatening, and sometimes destroying,
Christian families and churches. If Christian families stay close together and
grow strong together in the Christian faith, then Christians must have the
knowledge to disarm this growing menace of humanism that is now attacking us in
so many different ways. Why not invite me to your congregation to conduct such
a seminar. Let’s get it scheduled on your church calendar at your earliest
convenience. I think you’ll be glad you did.
[1]© Copyright by Robert L. Waggoner, 1987, Revised, 2000. Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute this document for non-commercial educational purposes when unaltered provided that copyright and author’s name are given.