RealAudio is required to hear audio-Bible files.
Click here to download RealPlayer free.


Use the menu to the left to select the book and chapter of the Bible you want to hear, then simply click the chapter number. The audio files will be launched via Real Player and will start playing automatically. The Bible text for that chapter will appear in this frame so that you can listen and read simultaneously.

If you want to go to a different chapter, just select it from the menu. You can drag the border between the menu and the text with your mouse and use the links at the bottom of the text page to go to the, previous or the next chapter. You can do your daily Bible reading here, the color of the number of the chapter you have viewed changes. This is like keeping a bookmark in your Bible. If your RealPlayer interferes with the text of the Bible, get the latest version of RealPlayer, it has a compact display option.

For daily Bible reading schedules go to

Note: is strictly a non-commercial site - we neither sell, nor promote any commercial products - either religious or secular. The text and audio-files presented here are courtesy of The headings at the beginning of each chapter's text file that appears in this frame contains advertising information for products. While we believe it is alright to market products online - even religious products (books, reference materials, Bibles, etc.), does not do so itself, nor does it profit from the promotion of such products by others who do. If you have any questions about this matter - please direct them to the site administrator

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