[an error occurred while processing this directive] TheBible.net: A Christian TV Guide
A Christian TV Guide
by Allen Webster
     A Christian should watch TV ... realizing that God is watching him. We ought to be afraid to watch R-rated movies and suggestive TV, because the Lord might return in the middle and leave without us! There is an all-seeing eye watching you (Heb 4:13).

     A Christian should watch TV …

    REMEMBERING THAT WHAT IS IN HIS HAND--THE REMOTE CONTROL--IS ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS THINGS IN HIS HOUSE (Eph 6:10-13). Guns, knives, and poison can kill the body, but what comes through the TV can ruin one's eternal soul (Mt 10:28)! There is more involved than innocent entertainment or killing a couple of hours. The devil is waging a battle daily for our hearts, minds, and souls (1 Pet 5:8). The musician Frank Zappa argued before a Maryland State Senate subcommittee (when asked about some of his lyrics), "These are only words--words can't hurt anyone." Yeah, right!

    WITH HIS MIND SET IN CONCRETE. He has already made up his mind--sin is sin and wrong is wrong (Ps 119:97-105). We ought to read the Bible before we watch TV, so our minds will already be "fixed" (Ps 57:7). Our minds must already be made up about moral issues. The TV is not a reliable teacher when it comes to what is right and what is wrong. (This is why children's TV should be severely limited). Enemies that come out in broad daylight, brandishing a sword, are, much easier to conquer than ones that sneak in under cover of darkness. Physical persecution would be hard to bear, but at least we would know we were under attack. Satan attacks through TV by eroding our character, spoiling our innocent pleasures, and cheapening our view of life. He does it so subtly that most are unaware of what is happening (2 Cor 11:3).

    REMEMBERING THAT THE DEVIL USUALLY WRITES THE SCRIPT (Gal 5:16, 19-21). Professors S. Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman interviewed 240 broadcasters and journalists from national media outlets, such as the NEW YORK TIMES, the WALL STREET JOURNAL, TIME magazine, NEWSWEEK, CBS, NBC, ABC, and PBS (1979, 1980). They report...

    Very few are regular churchgoers. Only 8% go to church or synagogue weekly, and 85% seldom or never attend.

    90% agree that a woman has the right to decide for herself whether or not to have abortion; 79% agree strongly.

    Although most Americans believe that homosexuality is wrong, Lichter and Rothman found that ;75% of the media elite believe it is okay. A mere 9% felt strongly that homosexuality is wrong.

    The majority (54%) do not regard adultery as wrong, with only 15% strongly agreeing that extramarital affairs are immoral.

    Their conclusion? "Members of the media elite emerge as strong supporters of sexual freedom or permissiveness."

    Should it surprise us, then, that the plot of many prime time shows promotes one or more of the offensive behaviors listed by Paul as keeping one out of the kingdom of heaven, when those who create the programs aren't offended by them? Is it really any wonder that the perspective of news reporters tends to be favorable to homosexual radicals and abortionists? When you turn on to TV Lane, proceed with caution (Prov 2:1; Ps 32:8).

    WITH HIS HEART ON HIS SLEEVE. He doesn't laugh at or enjoy it when his values are attacked, mocked, or undermined by the comedian in the sitcom. One youth speaker said, "I never cease to be amazed at the number of students who come from 'good homes' and even attend private Christians schools who have watched one or more episodes of a teen soft-porn movie; typically, 60% of those whom I've surveyed" (DeMoss). It is inconsistent to laugh at and enjoy the very things which prompt God's anger (Rom 1:32; cf., Col 3:1-6).

    REALIZING THAT IT HAS AN "OFF" BUTTON, WHICH NEEDS TO BE USED. Parents have the right and responsibility to tell their children (including teens) what they can and can't watch. One parent complained, "My kid's all messed up from heavy metal music and exposure to sexual videos on MTV at an early age. You can't blame ME for his problems. I'm never home!" That's most of the problem (cf., Titus 2:4,5).

    WITH ONE EYE ON HIS WATCH (Eph 5:15,16). TV is the biggest waste of time in America. We could save so many more souls, learn so much more about the Bible, bring so much glory to God, if only we didn't have to watch TV. How can we be so selfish as to indulge in endless hours of viewing TV, while those around us slip into eternal darkness?

    Keep this TV GUIDE handy - It might save a lot more than time!

This item originally appeared in The Searcher (May 19, 2002)

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