[an error occurred while processing this directive] TheBible.net: The Last Picture Show
The Last Picture Show
by Carl B. Garner
Twenty-six years ago I wrote an article, "The Last Picture Show." The movie industry in the early '70s had won the battle to show and say whatever they wanted to show and say. They had discovered that the modern moviegoer would plunk down their dollars to see sex and violence. They had discovered that there were no apparent forces that would or could do anything about it. They discovered that movie "stars" would do anything for a buck, and today's movies and TV shows are the results. Ratings were initiated to satisfy the "prudes" in our society who think parents should be warned. However, they are enforced so loosely that anyone who has the money can gain entry. If anyone protests, the theaters reply, "Don't blame us. Parents are bringing their own eight-year-old kids with them to see these movies. Besides, teen-agers can rent them and watch them at home without anyone monitoring their viewing habits." So, we see the fruit that issues from this up-to-date, modern "morality." I, for one, have had more than enough of it.

I'm disappointed in parents who are Christians, but who still allow their children to attend these foul movies, or rent them and bring them into their homes. Can parents really be thinking when they do this? Are they really aware of what they are doing? Do they realize what their children are seeing in those movies? It doesn't take much time or effort to find out what they contain, for the newspaper plainly spells it out. Many are filled with profanity of the most perverted kind. Many include both male and female nudity, much of it in the context of sexual intercourse. Many have graphic scenes, including even the youngest children using obscene language. And homosexual sex is now a big thing in today's movies, and is equally graphic. Is it possible that the alarming rise of teen violence could be related to the how-to movies shown in local theaters and on TV? Why are we shocked that the copy-cat violence of the movies is being played out in cities and communities all over the country and the world?

Defenders of "free speech" have responded by characterizing any criticism as "self righteous....shrill ...prudish...right-wing hysteria ...out of date...censorship," etc. Preachers probably do sound "prudish" to them. Those who have little respect for righteousness have always accused opponents of hypocrisy and being "self-righteous," though they know that such is not true. It is not self-righteous to show the world what the true consequences of fornication, pornography, adultery, sexual abuse of children and violence really are.

Movie-makers have used the "we must be realistic" and "everybody is doing it" excuses for so long that even they know it is a smoke screen. And for them to imply that adultery, child abuse, divorce, homosexuality, dynamite explosions, guns and abortions are taking place in every home is not only not realistic, but is intentionally misleading. Even that sensationalist 1992 book, The Day America Told The Truth, never claimed that more than one third of Americans have committed adultery. One is too many, but movie-makers want us to believe that such is now the norm. But even if everybody is doing it, that doesn't make it right.

As long as we are willing to spend our money at their theaters, buy their magazines, and rent their movies, someone will make a living on it, and we will be found by God to be supporting it. In 2 Timothy 3:13 we read, "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Sadly, many of us are inviting them home for supper. Modern moralists respond by saying, "If you don't like it, don't go to the movie," or "Just turn off your TV." But surely they know better than that. It will be good for me to turn off my TV and stay away from the theaters, but it will not keep them from polluting the minds of my neighbor or his children. It cannot prevent these violent scenes from giving our neighbor's children ideas on how to mutilate their sister or their neighbor! It will not keep thousands of young people from entering into marriage with twisted ideas on how to treat their mates. No, movies, books and magazines have an impact on the community.

A syndicated journalist observed, "Today's parents were teenagers during this proliferation of sex and violence on TV and in the movies. They have become numbed to its danger because they have seen so much of it." If that is true, those who grew up in those times had better think soberly about what they want their children to be, and how they want their children to be treated.

What can parents be thinking when they rent these movies and, in doing so, tell their children that this is acceptable entertainment? What can we be thinking when we pipe HBO and Showtime movies into our minds and/or into our children's minds? Especially, how can any Christian justify financing these movies and idolizing these movie "stars" by their support?

Paul wrote, "Whatsoever things are true....honest....just....pure....lovely....of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things," Philippians 4:8.

I challenge you to determine with me, "My family and I will lend our support only to entertainment that reflects the very highest principles as authorized by Jesus Christ and the inspired writers of the New Testament."

This item originally appeared in http://www.ds-churchofchrist.org

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