[an error occurred while processing this directive] TheBible.net: Who Believes In Hell Anymore?
Who Believes In Hell Anymore?
by Johnny Ramsey
    Due to the clever work and artful shenanigans of Satan there are millions in the religious world who no longer preach on the reality of eternal punishment. Psychologically, sinners have never enjoyed the topic of "hellfire and brimstone" because such teaching is very uncomfortable. But, as long as Matthew 25:46, Mark 9:43-48 and Revelation 21:8 are in the Bible such libertines realize they have a serious problem. All four of the latter-day revelations of the last century invented devious schemes to get rid of hell but they had to deny the Scriptures to dupe their followers. Charles Taze Russell of Watchtower fame (Jehovah's Witnesses) even admitted that he had been scared, as a youth, by preachers who taught the doctrine of eternal punishment. Therefore, Russell deleted such from his system of theology in 1874. Mary Baker Eddy took care of the matter by teaching Christian Scientists that sin and hell were not real anyway. She also said the same about death but they buried her near Boston. Perhaps she was wrong about sin and hell also! Ellen G. White of the Adventists promulgated soul-sleep and the concept that the lost just sleep forever. How can such teaching harmonize with Mark 14:21 where Jesus said of an evil man...

Better for that man had he never been born...

    If the wicked cease to exist eternally that verse makes no sense because that was their state before they were born! Also Hebrews 10:26-31 informs us that sorer punishment awaits those who rejected Christ than was meted out to those who were stoned to death for transgressions under the law of Moses. Let us suppose that sinners in Old Testament were asked to choose between being stoned to death or just going to sleep!

    In Matthew 25:31-46 we have the teaching of our Lord on final judgment. The spiritual goats, the ungodly, are told that they will go to a place of everlasting punishment. Notice: that passage does not say eternal sleep or non-existence, but everlasting punishment. A personal view held by Adventists and Witnesses contradicts the clear teaching of the Savior. If the wicked are annihilated or extinguished there can be no punishment because they do not exist. In Isaiah 57:21 we learn that there is no peace, saith my God, for the wicked!

    Usually, such is countered with an argument based upon a misuse of a word in II Thessalonians 1:7-9. Followers of false systems call upon Webster's Dictionary, rather than the Bible, for a definition of destroy or destruction in Paul's description of what happens to the lost when Jesus comes. Certainly Webster is a great authority on the use of the English language but the Bible is its own best commentary and the standard for understanding contextually what the Scripture means in usage of Bible words. There are three tremendous cross-references to the lesson found in II Thessalonians. In Hosea 4:6 and 13:9 the inspired record tells us that Israel had destroyed itself through a lack of knowledge and would therefore go into bondage of captivity because of their ignorance (Isaiah 5:13). To whom was this message addressed if destroy means loss of being or extinction? Paul clearly stated in Galatians 1:23...

I now preach that message of faith that I once destroyed.

    How could it be possible to preach something that did not exist if destruction means what followers of White and Russell proclaim? In the Bible this word does not mean loss of being, but loss of well-being before God! Mark, chapter nine, last paragraph, forever proves the reality of conscious anguish, eternally, for the wicked just as Revelation 14:11 and 20:10 do also. At this juncture opponents of clear-cut Bible teaching beg the issue by talking about the mercy, love and grace of God who just would not be so cruel as to send men to a place of everlasting suffering. Such sounds good to folk who seem to forget that all we can know for sure about Deity is what the Bible reveals. In Luke 16:19-31 Jesus enunciated the famous story about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. If it be argued that this is just a parable and not an historical narrative it would make no difference because our Lord never illustrated a truth with a non-truth. In other words, the thirty parables of Jesus in the four accounts of the gospel are all accurate in every part as he told earthly stories with heavenly meanings! In Luke 16 we learn that after death sinners are awake, alert, conscious and in torment! Jehovah is also a God of wrath, honesty, justice and integrity. If He states that the wicked are punished you can count on it! In II Peter 2:9 we learn that evil ones are in chains (torment) waiting for the Day of Judgment to be punished. Warnings are given to get our attention for the merciful purpose to cause us to avoid the consequences of eternal separation or banishment from the presence of the Redeemer and the redeemed! If eternal punishment is contrasted with everlasting life in Matthew 25 and II Thessalonians 1 - and it is - how could it be consistent to say that the righteous enjoy heaven endlessly but the wicked just cease to exist? In Matthew 10:28 Christ warned that men can only kill the body and are powerless to harm the soul of man but that God can punish the soul as well. This makes no sense at all if the souls of evil ones cease to exist and receive no punishment at all. Nahum 1:3 declares that God will not clear the guilty. Romans 11:22 powerfully reminds us of both the goodness and severity of Jehovah and Hebrews 10:31 and 12:29 inform us that our God is a consuming fire and, therefore, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Those who do not believe in hell or eternal punishment evidently do not accept the Bible and have dreamed a God unknown to the sacred text. The very word, Judgment not only includes verdict but also condemnation and punishment if the decree is on the negative side of the ledger. If the wicked are annihilated there is no punishment of the wicked but extinction of the ungodly. Where does the Bible state that sinners will go away into everlasting extinction? If sinners are annihilated there can be no resurrection but only re-creation. However, Acts 24:15 and John 5:28-29 clearly state that there will be a resurrection both of the just and unjust. Many underestimate the power of the Devil and misunderstand his destiny. In Matthew 25:41, Jesus made it clear that disobedient ones will spend eternity in the place prepared for the Devil and his angels. Satan's work is calculated to cause many to be lost forever in a realm characterized by fire and brimstone (Matthew 5:22). When Adam and Eve sinned they died - that is - they were separated from the presence of God. Compare Genesis 3:3 with Revelation 20:14-15 where sinners ultimately receive the second death or eternal separation from Jehovah. To deny the reality of hell is to overlook the power of the Devil and to take all the sting out of his arguments. Satan is too clever to try to entice men with shameful debauchery if there is no punishment for licentiousness. Where would the thrill of temptation be if the Bible taught that regardless of our decisions in life everyone will be blessed eternally anyway?

    Millions will be lost in torment because of the tenacity and brilliant argumentation of the great enemy of the soul. The Devil Is:

  • A Subtle Serpent - II Corinthians 11:3;Revelation 12:11
  • An Active Adversary - I Peter 5:8; Luke 22:31
  • A Diabolical Demon - II Corinthians 2:11;Ephesians 6:11
  • A Crafty Chameleon - I Timothy 3:7;I Thessalonians 2:18; 3:5

    To suggest that the Bible declares these things, but not to worry, because even if you surrender to Satan you will not be lost and spend eternity with him makes the Bible a farce and salvation just an empty word!

    Satan has many classic doctrines (I Timothy 2:1-2) that war against eternal bliss. But if there is no reality in hell how can II Corinthians 11:13-15 have any punch or power? What difference would it make for the Devil and his angels to transform themselves into angels of light if darkness rewards us as much as light?

    The Devil's best arguments can be summed up in these general categories:

  • I. You are already better than most people.
  • II. Sin is not so bad.
  • III. You have to have some fun anyway!
  • IV. God made you with the propensity to sin.
  • V. You can begin Christianity tomorrow!

    Not a one of these points has clever temptation back of them if there is no hell or punishment involved for those who listen to the enemy of the soul. How can I John 2:15-17 be utilized in the philosophy that eliminates punishment, conscious punishment, from the eternal state of the wicked? Why not succumb to the lust of the eyes and flesh and vanity and pride of life if there is no hell? Paul stated in I Corinthians 15:32 that the Epicurean philosophy of "eat, drink and be merry" would be natural if there were no resurrection of the dead!

    Throughout the Scriptures we learn of the unsparing God. In Genesis 6 the world of Noah's day was destroyed because of sin and only eight righteous souls (I Peter 3:20) were spared. A rainbow was placed in the sky following the flood (Genesis 9) to forever prove that Jehovah punished the wicked, rewarded the righteous and will judge the world one day. To teach that God is so gracious that He will not overthrow sinners is to deny what the Bible reveals as to the balanced nature of His character. In Genesis 18, when Abraham could not find ten righteous ones in Sodom and Gomorrah those cities on the plain were punished by fire (II Peter 2:6; Jude 7). These facts remind us of future punishment for the disobedient and wicked. Only 2 out of 603,550 men, ages twenty and above, entered the promised land. In fact, on their trek from Egypt to Canaan, 23,000 perished in one day because of sin (I Corinthians 10:1-12). God does punish wicked men with loss of well-being in His sight! Jehovah spared not angels that sinned (II Peter 2:4-9), Uzzah (II Samuel 6) or Korah (Numbers 16) nor the sons of Aaron (Leviticus 10:1-2). To argue that God is so merciful that no one will be punished is to war against the clarity of these examples given for our learning (Romans 15:4; I Corinthians 10:6, 11). The entire concept that proclaims, in essence, that sin does not have everlasting consequences makes the death of Christ at Golgotha relatively unimportant if not unnecessary!

According to the Bible, Who will go to hell?

  1. The passage in II Thessalonians lists two categories:

    • a. Those who do not believe in God
    • b. Those who fail to obey the gospel of Christ

  2. Matthew 25:31-46 informs us that those who are uncaring and fail to show compassion will be lost.

  3. Revelation 21:8 makes it clear that the immoral and non-trusting folk will miss heaven.

  4. The parable of the talents in Matthew 25 reflects the sad end of those who are in the kingdom but refuse to serve God to the full measure of their ability will be cast out. To live beneath our privileges is a grievous blunder.

  5. Those, once saved, who return to the world have a very bleak future indeed. Read II Peter 2:20-22 and Revelation 3:1-5. Our names, once entered into the Lamb's Book of Life, can be removed due to impurity and indifference. What an awesome thought!

  6. Those who persist in a life of sin cannot go where Jesus is (John 8:21). To sin unto death (I John 5:16) is to die in an unpardonable state. When we harden our hearts (Hebrews 3:13-15; Zechariah 7:11-14) we become past feeling (Ephesians 4:19) and face a dreadful eternity.

  7. Those who call upon the name of the Lord in vain (James 1:26) by an hypocrisy that boasts but will not obey (Luke 6:46).

    How can we so live as to go to heaven and, therefore, miss eternal, conscious punishment? In other words, what are those things that help us go to heaven?

  1. Godly homes contribute mightily to the hope of heaven. Parents need to heed the exhortation of II Kings 20:1 and set their house in order. For, "except the Lord build the house they labor in vain who build it" (Psalms 127:1). Samuel, John the baptizer and Timothy had a head start toward glory due to spiritual parents.

  2. Bible Preaching (I Peter 4:11) Is A Powerful Background For Getting Millions To Heaven. Conversely, a lack of such emphasis fails to prepare folk for glory.

  3. Strong congregations, with devoted elders, who shepherd the flock (Hebrews 13:17; Acts 20:28) will assist us on the road to heaven. When error is allowed to flourish and worldly living is unrebuked those who are responsible for souls will give an account in Judgment (Ezekiel 3:17ff).

  4. Friends and loved-ones who encourage us will propel us to heaven with their influence for divine mandates. Just as "evil companions corrupt good morals" (I Corinthians 15:33) so do those who shine as lights in a wicked world urge us on to higher ground (Philippians 2:15). When we surround ourselves with those who have been with Jesus (Acts 4:13) we are indeed wise!

  5. Good and honest hearts are absolutely essential if heaven would be our home. When we fail to love the truth of God's will we set ourselves up for eternal ruin. A careful reading of II Thessalonians 2:10-12 will forever prove the essentiality of receiving with meekness the word of the Lord and viewing it as the apple of our eye (Proverbs 7:2). When men argue with their Maker concerning the commandments of Scripture that pertain to them they are exceedingly unwise (James 1:22; Hebrews 5:9). In the parable of the Sower in Luke 8 we indelibly learn that any other kind of soil is deadly. When we ignore the gospel or allow the cares, riches and pleasures of life to choke it out (Luke 8:14) we walk hand in hand with Satan.

  6. Diligence in obeying now and not delaying at all is another step away from torment and a positive step toward glory (Psalms 119:60). The time to obey (Hosea 10:12) is the moment we find truth. Tomorrow is the Devil's favorite argument because to be almost saved is to be altogether lost (Acts 24:25; Jeremiah 8:20)!

  7. As strange as it may seem one of the greatest motivations for heaven is to consider the empty vanity of the Devil's mundane arguments. He has nothing genuine or upbuilding to offer. Broken hearts and dreams and lives are strewn across the path of his destructive ways (I John 2:15-17). No joy, no hope, no purpose and no future sum up Satan's nefarious ways. Heaven is too sweet to miss and hell is too horrible to contemplate! Romans 10:21 and 11:33-36 clearly tell us that if we are lost it will certainly not be the Lord's fault. His blessed Son invites all to come (Matthew 11:28-30) and the Bible provides the simple and beautiful way of redemption (Romans 3:24). Several clear-cut examples of conversion are contained in Scripture (Acts 8:12; 8:26-39; Mark 16:16) so, if we are lost it definitely will not be the fault of the Savior. God desires that all be saved (I Timothy 2:4) and that none perish (II Peter 3:9). His grace, found in Christ, II Timothy 2:1, teaches us (Titus 2:11) and should compel all honest souls to gladly respond with the humble words of Acts 9:6...

Lord, what will you have me to do?

    There is vivid reality in the Bible doctrine of hell and also graphic teaching on heaven that is designed to cause us to spurn eternal punishment and press on toward a home in glory (Philippians 3:14). A merciful heavenly Father warns us about the pain and anguish of everlasting torment and clearly depicts the joys of heaven because He wants us to be with the saints in glory on that beautiful shore. To walk the golden street of that supernal realm will mean that I am a three-time winner. I shall have lived the best life on earth, missed hell and gained heaven. May we earnestly strive for the promised land and avoid the Devil's domain.

    Someone has challenged us with this poem on Hell. May its solemn words sink deeply into our hearts and minds. Let us so live that we will never hear the tragic words: Depart From Me, I never knew you!"

Hell! The prison house of despair,
Here are some things that won't be there:
No flowers will bloom on the banks of Hell,
No beauties of nature we love so well;
No comforts of home, music and song,
No friendship of joy will be found in that throng;
No children to brighten the long weary night;
No loving smile in that region of night;
No mercy, no pity, pardon nor grace
No water, O God, what a terrible place!
The pangs of the lost no human can tell,
Not one moment's ease -- there is no rest in Hell!
Hell! The prison house of despair,
Here are some things that will be there:
Fire and brimstone are there we know,
For God in His Word hath told us so:
Memory, remorse, suffering and pain,
Weeping and wailing, but all in vain;
Blasphemers, swearers, haters of God,
Christ rejectors while here on earth trod;
Murderers, gamblers, drunkards and liars,
Will have their part in the lake of fires;
The filthy, the Vile, the cruel and mean,
What a horrible mob in Hell will be seen!
Yes, more than humans on earth can tell
Are the torments and woes of eternal Hell!
(Author unknown)

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