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Course Notes - available only to ISBS/VBI students
1. Introduction
2. What Is Our Authority In Religion?
3. Reasons For Believing The Bible Is The Word of God
4. Organization Of The Bible
5. Why Emphasize The Word Of God?
6. What God Says About Sound Doctrine
7. Effects Of False Doctrine
8. Individual Christian's Responsibility #1
9. Individual Christian's Responsibility #2
10. Man's Problem With Sin
11. God's Answer
12. How Does One Contact Jesus' Blood?
13. Is Baptism Essential?
14. Forgiveness After Baptism
15. Jesus Is God, Lord And Christ
16. Jesus As High Priest
17. Reasons He Is Our Best Friend - His Life
18. Humiliation
19. His Death
20. His Blood
21. His Resurrection
22. His Reign
23. Our Obligation To The Lord
24. When Was The New Testament Church Established? (#1)
25. When Was The New Testament Church Established? (#2)
26. How Do We Identify The Lord's Church?
27. The Pattern - Founder, Establishment and Name Of The Church
28. Worship - The Lord's Supper
29. Worship - Giving, Prayer, Preaching
30. Worship - Singing #1
31. Worship - Singing #2 & Organization #1
32. Organization #2, & Elders Deacons, Saints
33. Missions - Rule Of Faith - Teaching On Salvation
34. Importance Of Being In The Lord's Church
35. Prophecies Of Falling Away
36. Falling Away & Reformation
37. Restoration
38. Lessons From History: Introduction To Lesson 6
39. Early Church's Example - Body/Members, Vine/Branches
40. Unity #1
41. Unity #2
42. Unity #3
43. Not Forsaking The Assembly; Introduction To Lesson 7
44. Being A Christian Means: Being In Christ, Forgiveness, Being a Child Of God
45. Being A Christian Means: Rejoicing
46. Being A Christian Means: Hope & Peace
47. Being A Christian Means: Confidence
48. Being A Christian Means: Persecution
49. Being A Christian Means: Trials & Difficulties/Being Separate
50. Lesson 8 - What Does God Expect After Conversion?: Growth
51. What Does God Expect After Conversion: Faith, Virtue, Knowledge
52. Knowledge
53. Suggestions On Acquiring Knowledge #1
54. Suggestions On Acquiring Knowledge #2
55. Suggestions On Acquiring Knowledge #3; God Wants Us To Grow In Temperance
56. God Wants Us To Grow In Patience
57. God Wants Us To Grow In Godliness & Brother Kindness
58. God Wants Us To Grow In Love
59. God Expects Us To Put Him First & To Edify The Church
60. God Expects Us To Spread The Gospel & Be Pure, Holy & Spiritually Minded
61. God Expects Us To Do Good By The Authority Of Christ & To Defend The Truth
62. God's Creation & Regulation Of Marriage
63. The Husband & Wife Relationship
64. The Parent-Child Relationship
65. The Child-Parent Relationship
66. Lesson 9 - Prayer, A Powerful Privilege
67. Example Of Jesus & New Testament Church In Prayer
68. Hindrances To Prayer; Things For Which To Pray; Practical Suggestions
69. Lesson 10 - Moral Decisions
70. Source Of Wrong
71. Bad Language; Cheating; Gambling
72. Smoking; Drinking; Drugs
73. Dancing: Immodesty; Petting
74. Lesson 11 - Miscellaneous Topics/Sabbath Day
75. Sabbath Day #2
76. Quibbles Of The Sabbatarians
77. Easter
78. Christmas
79. Second Coming (2 Peter 3)
80. Second Coming (Matthew 24)
81. Second Coming Questions

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