Green Box


Albert E. Farley

When Hazel Cozad, of the Latrobe St. church of Christ recently wrote to inform us of the death of Nina L. Hendershot, one of their faithful members, she said, "... She was always ready to help others in any way she could from feeding people from her kitchen to taking in four homeless children ages six to eleven years old. She will surely be missed."

We also learned of the recent death of John Allinder one of our best song leaders of the Marlaing church of Christ in St. Albans. A reader recounted how John had been so faithful in visiting him while he was hospitalized at Charleston and how John helped his family out of his own pocket. The story above of the death of Ab Cole of the Mannington church of Christ is another such story of selfless service to others.

The church has always experienced great losses in the deaths of her faithful saints. We read of the deaths of Stephen, of Dorcas, and of James. (Acts 7, 9, 12) What effects did these deaths have on the church? Devout members gathered and prepared them for burial; they wept and showed the works they did while they were alive; they made prayer without ceasing; they intensified their efforts in preaching the word.

This is what the church must continue to do. We are encouraged by the faithfulness of our departed brothers and sisters; we close ranks; we fill the empty places with new workers; and we continue to labor in the greatest, most urgent cause on earth the salvation of lost souls. Albert.


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