2004 West Virginia Christian Lectureship


Nicholas Deiger

We, the Pumpkin Center church of Christ, wish to thank all those who helped make our hosting of the 2004 West Virginia Christian Lectureship a great success. As we began to make plans for this lectureship, we had no idea of how many would attend, so, in some ways, it was hard to plan for. Yet, as the Bible tells us, we need to "walk by faith and not by sight." We began October of 2003 to pick speakers and assign topics. We requested each speaker to write a manuscript for the book which was printed. We assembled over 500 copies of this book of which we still have some 135 left. If you would like a copy, please let us know.

The theme for this lectureship was "Great People of the Bible." All speakers realized the importance of the person they discussed and did a masterful job in presenting the lessons to those in attendance. Many of the speakers approached their subjects with how they were viewed in their lives and then gave a practical lesson as to how that we need to follow their examples. I think of the verses that the apostle Paul used in Romans 15:4. "For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope." 1 Corinthians 10:6: "Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted." 1 Corinthians 10:11: "Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come." As we studied both men and women of the Old and New Testament, I was really encouraged.

We had speakers that have preached for over 50 years, and we had speakers that have preached for fewer than three years. We had speakers who have masters' degrees, those who attended preacher training schools, and those who were "self-taught"; yet, each did a very fine job of handling the assigned topics.

We hear a lot of what is happening to the church now days. I am here to say that, from the standpoint of the speakers we heard, the church is in good hands. We might not all have been scholars (as the world uses the term), but what was presented was plain, easy to understand, and true to the Word of God.

There were visitors from New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Alabama, and many areas of West Virginia. We averaged around 55 during the day and 100 at the evening services.

There are audio tapes of each lesson. If you would like a copy, please let us know. They cost $1.00 per tape.

We want to thank all who have a part in putting out the West Virginia Christian paper and for the privilege of hosting this great Lectureship. May God bless us all in the work we do for His cause. -18 Darrah Lane, Fairview, WV 26570.


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