Green Box


Albert E. Farley

Spring has arrived, and, with its sunshine and warmer days, the announcements of the many Gospel Meetings and other spiritual activities being planned and conducted by the congregations of the Lord's church in our area truly bring gladness to our hearts. The source of our happiness is Hope! Let us live it.

The wickedness of the world from the pitiful fate of Terri Schiavo in Florida, to the war-torn nations of Iraq and Afghanistan, to the charges of horrific child molestations and murders from coast to coast in our own country cannot destroy our hope in Christ. We rejoice in the power of the gospel of Christ to give hope to all who will receive it! Let us preach it.

We have devoted a large part of this issue of the paper to honor the life of Bob Kessinger. We thank all who wrote of his influence upon their lives.

Our subscription numbers continue to hold steady. Last month our circulation was 2,525 copies. We are very thankful for all who continue to renew their subscriptions. Please continue to show the paper to others and to encourage them to subscribe. Please continue to pray for us. Albert.


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