Green Box

Albert E. Farley

When the apostle Paul came to the city of Corinth, he found a people who were, to a great degree, very immoral.  The sin of fornication was commonplace.  In fact, their sinful lifestyle had given rise to a verb, “to corinthianize,” that was used throughout the Roman empire.

We read recently in a USA Today news article, dated June 9, that “An analysis of cohabitation, marriage, and divorce data from 13 countries, including the USA, shows that living together has become so mainstream that growing numbers of Americans view it as an alternative to marriage.”  It is more common in Western Europe, Scandinavian nations, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand (from 15% to 30%).  In the USA it is currently about 10%.

  The Bible says, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled: but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”  Hebrews 13:4.  Fornication is a work of the flesh.  We must not allow it in our families and congregations.  We must provide diligent Bible teaching against it and have no fellowship with it.  1 Corinthians 5-7.   “Flee fornication.”

We continue to seek our goal of 2,800 per month.  Our circulation last month was 2,679.  The summer season is often a time when reading is neglected.  Let us continue to search the scriptures daily.  We appreciate all of our readers and thank you for your faithful help.  Albert.

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