Around The State
Albert E. Farley
MANSFIELD, OH 44906 – After much prayer and careful thought, I decided to sever my ties with the Brookwood Way church in Mansfield. Accordingly, I resigned as their preacher on June 9, effective upon that date. I will be glad to hear from churches needing an experienced preacher, one who stands for sound doctrine. I may be reached by calling 419-528-4456 or 330-414-6197 or by e-mail: -Don Cooper, 95 Lynn Dr.
MIDDLEBOURNE, WV 26149 – The Burt church of Christ will conduct a Gospel Meeting July 10-15 with Ed Melott, speaking. Sunday events: Bible Study at 9:45-10:25 AM; Worship services 10:30 AM - 12:00 noon. Meal on the grounds 12:00 – 2:00 PM; Afternoon services 2:00 PM; Monday through Friday 7:00 PM. For more information, contact David Haught, (304) 758-2814. –PO Box 424.
WADSWORTH, OH 44281 – Last month we had our Spring Gospel Meeting with Mike Madden. It was very well attended with at least 15 congregations coming to show their support of the gospel being preached in the Wadsworth area. We had those who had not attended church in years – plus others who came to our services for the very first time. Mike Madden did a superb job, and congregations looking for someone to preach in a gospel meeting would do well to consider him. –David R. Kenney, 236 West Good Ave.
GLEN FORK, WV 25845 – “I love articles that teach the true words …” –Marie Barrett, PO Box 462.
LORAIN, OH 44055 – The Lorain church of Christ will host the 13th Annual North Central Ohio Bible Lectureship August 28-31 at their building at 5075 Toledo Rd. Their theme will be, “Soldiers of Christ Arise.” The speakers will include Bill Craddock, Dan Jenkins, Phil Sanders, Steve Smithbauer, David Kenney, Bob Eddy, Robert Johnson, Terry Jones, Jeff Sole, J.D. Conley, Harold Reddick, and Mark Weaver. Judie Jenkins will be the speaker for the ladies. A continental breakfast will be served Monday through Wednesday at 8:00 AM. For more information contact Bob Eddy, lectureship director, at 1-440-233-5489 and 1-440-477-1049.
SMITHFIELD, WV 26437 – The Pricetown church of Christ will have their VBS July 11-15, 6:30–8:30 PM. Theme: “Believe It or Not.” -Leroy Burdine, PO Box 59.
CALDWELL, OH 43724-9558 – Happy to extend our subscription for another year. Enjoy all the articles and especially the “And God Created” section by brother Everson. Information not readily available in a scriptural publication. Thanks so much, Shirley Smith, 40317 Bettinger Rdg. Rd.
PENNSBORO, WV 26415 – The West Virginia Christian Youth Camp will soon conduct the following sessions: Senior Week – July 3-9 (Ages 14-18) Directors: Nicholas Deiger & Steve Snider; Intermediate Week – July 10-16 (Ages 11-14) Directors: John Board & Dan Kessinger; Junior Week – July 17-23 (Ages 7:11) Directors: Randy Cook; Terry Jones; All Age Week – July 24-30 (Ages 8-18) Directors: Keith Ball & Mike Reese. The camp is located on Marsh Run Road, 7 miles from Pennsboro off State Route 74. For information and registration, please contact Barbara Cole, 808 Sycamore Ave, Mannington, WV 26582. (304) 986 1004.