Green Box

Albert E. Farley

A recent newsletter from the church relations department of Freed-Hardeman University contained an article written by Dr. Earl Edwards about Flavil Yeakley's recent research project of churches of Christ, entitled, "Good News and Bad News." It revealed some very interesting information.

The report stated, "While churches of Christ have not grown very much since 1980, churches of Christ have not declined as many people have claimed." Brother Edwards states, "... of the fourteen largest religious groups in the Unites States ... 'Only the three largest denominations have more congregations in the United States'" and "[M]ost other religious groups in America have experienced far more fragmentation' than we (page 22), causing us to be regarded as having a 'remarkable degree of unity' by other religious groups."

Brother Yeakley's report is now available under the title Good News and Bad. A Realistic Assessment of Churches of Christ in the United States 2008 from the FHU Bible Bookstore for $3.75. Telephone 800 342-1869.

We are thankful for the good articles of this issue and pray they will be to God's honor and glory. Our circulation for the March mailing was 2,688 copies. A new monthly bundle order of 25 was recently received. We are encouraged by your faithful support in renewing your subscriptions and by your correspondence. Thank you! -Albert.


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