For Ladies …

A Gathering

Ginny Lallance

On January 20th of this year, a large number of Americans gathered in Washington for the inauguration of President Obama. Families traveled from all parts of the country to observe this event. Parents made comments saying they wanted their children to witness this historical moment. We who watched the inauguration on television saw such huge crowds of people: all there for one purpose. As a nation, whether we voted for President Obama or not, we realize he is our president and pray that he will seek guidance from above as he leads our country for the next four years. On that day, January 20th, as I did my Bible reading and study from the 12th chapter of Luke, a verse caught my attention and prompted the writing of this article. 

In verse one of that chapter, we find these words, innumerable multitude of people. People were there to hear Christ speak. Those words made me wonder if the number gathered in Washington would do the same for Christ. Of course, the scriptures teach us that Jesus will never again set foot on earth. 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17. However, hypothetically speaking, would we travel for days to get there? Would we arrive before dawn to get close enough to see and hear Jesus? Would we brave the cold temperatures as we bundled our children in warm clothing and blankets just to catch a glimpse of Him? Would we stand for hours in the bitter cold to hear what Jesus had to say? When we left the gathering, would we relive with awe what we had seen and heard? Would our children treasure their trip and be anxious to tell their friends and classmates how awesome it was to see Jesus?

As mothers and grandmothers, we realize the importance of our children’s history lesson as they study about the foundation of our great nation. They meet within the pages of their history book the men and women who struggled to bring us the freedoms we enjoy. In the song, “America,” we sing, “Let freedom ring.” We are truly blessed to live in this great land of America and should feel honored to stand side-by-side to uphold that freedom!

However, what are we teaching our children from that great book the BIBLE? Is it opened and studied as often as the history book? Do our children know as much about Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, Paul, James, Timothy, and others who live within the pages of God’s word as they do about George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and others?

Remember, there will be a day when multitudes upon multitudes will be gathered together. There will be a book there. It will not be a history book. It will be the Lamb’s book of life. Revelation 20:11-15. Will it contain your name and mine - as well as all those “famous” people from history?

We have a responsibility to open God’s word and teach what is written there – to instill in children the importance of studying the BIBLE; to make an impression by example; to help our children realize the importance of being with Christ through all eternity. 

Yes, it was a great event to witness the happening of this past January 20th but what an even greater event to come when Christians will be in the presence of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! Live for that day! -Route 2 Box 177, Belington, WV 26250.

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