For Ladies … What Can I Do?

Carol Lynette Wilcox

I was fortunate to have a wonderful Christian mother who taught me from a very early age about Christ. I knew those five steps of hear, believe, repent, confess, and be baptized, but it is one thing to know what to do and quite another to do it. We must do all that the Word tells us to do, and, although these five steps are essential, it does not stop there.

Jesus tells us in Mark 16:15, 16 that we must “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Therefore, we must, in some way, spread the gospel to others.

Let us start at home. Be an example to those around us. Let our children see us studying God's Word. So many times, we wait until they are in bed, or while they are at school, or elsewhere, to take out our Bibles. Talk to your children about Jesus. Let them see that he is real, that he lived and died, and once more lives, and that we will face him in the judgment.

We can teach Bible classes at church. We can talk to our neighbors one-on-one, or invite them to gospel meetings, ladies' inspiration days, etc.

Sometimes, occasions have arisen that I did not expect. That was when someone in McDonalds or Kmart happened to bring up or to question the scriptures. Yes, it actually happened – and by someone I did not even know. I had to be ready to give an answer. That is where my studying and prayers came in.

I have asked God to help me to retain something every time I read my Bible so that, the more I read, the more I remember. This has helped me so much. Having faith that prayer works is essential. Sometimes God answers, “Yes,” and sometimes He answers, “No,” but we must always accept His will.

Another way we can spread the gospel is to hand out pamphlets, a DVD, or a tape that our elders have made available for us. We also have business-size cards with our church name, address, and meeting times. These are just right to hand to our waitress with her tip.


We can give money to aid missionaries, the Gospel Broadcasting Network, or, perhaps, send a subscription of the West Virginia Christian newspaper to others, like my friend Bonnie does. We can read the scriptures to someone whose eyesight is failing or to someone who is ill.


We, at Weirton Heights, make and deliver “Boo-Boo” Bears to Weirton Med Center for the children in the ER, recovery, peds, or the lab. I cannot tell you how many letters have been received from grateful parents, thanking us for this good work. Another thing that helps our area is the clothes closet. These things are making the community aware of the church and letting them know that we care. I am sure there are many other things that we can do. 

The important thing is that we do something! Ladies, all of us can – even if it's just mailing a card to brighten someone's day or visiting a shut-in. We must teach in some way. We must spread Christ's gospel, and I do not think we can get to heaven unless we do. We must give others the truth, either by word, or by example. What they do with it is up to them. Just like teaching others is up to us. -67 Mt. Royal Blvd., New Cumberland, WV 26047.

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